Project schedule shows in MS Project but not in Project Center



MS Project 2003 (11.2.2005.1801.15) SP2
Project Server 2003 SP1 (we have SP2 but were advised by our consultants to
not install)

Originally posted 3/26 but did not get a response.
It seems the project has lost its relationship to the project in MSP. I
have re-published but nothing. When in PWA if I click on the project name it
opens and this copy is different than if I select the line of the project and
select open from the menu. They use to be the same and all the many other
projects are but this one seems to have disconnected. Is this common? To
correct this do I need to delete the one from MSP (Enterprise) and re-import
the .mpp file?
Similarly, I have a project I deleted from EPM then published an .mpp again
but cannot get it to show up in PWA Project Center. However, it will show up
under Admin/Clean up Project database to delete. While attempting this the
following errors appeared on the server event properties:
Component: PjMsgHlr
File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\server\pjmsghlr\updatedb.cpp
Line: 676Error Number 0x8c030012
Description: <Description><![CDATA{Assert Detected. The error code was also

What does this mean?

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