Project Server 2003 - Create Master Project



Hello Experts,

I have about 100 project schedules published on our server (2003) and I need
to make a master project file. When I click on Insert-->Project I get the
"Open from Microsoft Office Project Server" window where I can insert
projects. My question is, is there a way where i can click on all of my
projects and insert them at once? instead of clicking on them one by one.
Much like if I would create a master file from my hard drive where i can
select all files at once

thank you



Gary. thanks for the replay

When you say Project Center, is that through the PWA? because when go
Insert-->Project I am not able to hold ctrl and select multiple projects to
insert into my master.


Gary. Thanks again. I guess that'll work although there is no way for me to
change the Read-Only or the link to project boxes. I wan to make a
consolidated Master Schedule so I would have to go down and unlink these
proejcts one by one..right?

Hadi we're talking. are there any macros available? or do we have to
develop a new one. I'd love to explore that option Gary because in reality,
there are more than 500 project schedules on the server but i would only need
to pick 100-200 of them on montly basis to do the master schedule for my
department. we the Enterprise Project Text fields to code the schedules with
appropriate departement.

Thank you

Gary L. Chefetz


I don't know of anyone actually selling this as a prebuilt macro, so you
might have to build one or get someone to build one for you. We've done
similar things for clients in the past. It's probably the best solution for
you given the enormity of your challenge.This could also be written as a
server-side job if you were using 2007. I wouldn't suggest investing in a
server-side solution for 2003.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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