Project Server 2003 External Access



I have Project Server 2003. I am able to connect via collaborate to Project
web Access (, however when I try to publish a
project from project 2003 it fails. (Externally, outside our network)
However, I can publish a project if I am connected to our internal network.
My question is: Can I publish a Project, outside our network and/or not
the network ?
side note: I was able to publish a project when in project 2003 outside our
internal network, but only when i opened up port 1433 on our firewall.
however, that doesn't seem too safe.
Thank you


I have Project Server 2003. I am able to connect via collaborate to Project
web Access (, however when I try to publish a
project from project 2003 it fails. (Externally, outside our network)
However, I can publish a project if I am connected to our internal network.  
My question is:  Can I publish a Project, outside our network and/or not
the network ?
side note: I was able to publish a project when in project 2003 outside our
internal network, but only when i opened up port 1433 on our firewall.  
however, that doesn't seem too safe.
Thank you

Hey there ,

If you use a VPN it should not be a problem to publish, if there is no
network issues. If i am understanding you correctly,
you are using Https , secure Http, so port no 443 should be open, and
by what i see it already is.
What is the error that you get, have you checked your application
log ?

if you dont come right post it here




Hey ProgmanZA, thank you for your reply.
Yea, I am trying to publish a project without having to VPN. I have remote
users, that are AD Domain User and Non-AD Domain users that need to publish
Projects. And when I try to publish a project without VPN'd into the
network, I get the below following error:
Side Note: I was able to publish the project, if I opened port 1433 and
placed the ProjectServer Database locally on the Project Server. however,
that doesn't appear to be a safe to me...
However, the ProjectServer Database is now back on our main DB server and
not local on the project server, and I don't want to expose port 1433 open
externally to that server.

I am wondering if there is another solution to this, so remote users
AD-domian and Non-AD domain users can publish projects in a secure
enviromnent without having to VPN.

Microsoft SQL Server Login

connect failed
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 11001
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).
Connect failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 6
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Socket]Specified SQL server not

James Fraser

My question is:  Can I publish a Project, outside our network and/or not
the network ?
side note: I was able to publish a project when in project 2003 outside our
internal network, but only when i opened up port 1433 on our firewall.  
however, that doesn't seem too safe.

Project Professional 2003 requires a direct SQL connection to the DB
server (port 1433). There is no way around this, it is a limitation of
the 2003 architecture. Project Pro 2007 does not have this requirement
and functions purely over https (or http) connections to the
application server.

Your concern regarding port 1433 is reasonable, and I do not recommend
that you open it to the internet. Allowing it across vpn connections
may be a viable option, though.

If this isn't working over the VPN, check the name resolution for the
database server, and make sure that traffic is peing tunneled

Also, 2003 is very sensitive to latency, and I generally recommend
that it not be used when latency is over 30 ms. This usually rules out
VPN connections. Again, the local cache of 2007 changes thie

Bottom line: 2003 was designed for LAN use. 2007 was designed for WAN
or LAN use.

James Fraser


James, thank you so much. that was the answer I was looking for.. with
Project Server 2007, can my users still use Projects 2003, and take advantage
of WAN ?

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