Project Server 2003 OLAP Cube not built




I've installed Project Server 2003 in Windows Server 2000
an SQL Server 2000 with Analysis Services, all SP3.
Everything was installed fine, but when trying to build an
OLAP cube, nothing happens. It says that the cube built
process was initiated, but that's it. RBS is defined,
ressources are imported an allocated, projects exists in
the database.

Any idea what could be the cause? I don't have any error
messages in the log, but there is a process dllhost
running with the Olap-Admin-User account. All hints (Olap-
Admin-account, migrate Olap-Repository etc.) are already
tested. But nothing works.




I've just encountered something similar. The OLAP cube
that has been building consistently for the past 3 months
just STOPPED building! I had it set to build nightly at
1:00 AM and cannot figure out why it stopped. I'm combing
the Microsoft pages to try to figure what to do to fix it
and cannot find anything.

If I find anything that may help you in your situation, I
will pass it along.



I encountered similar problems and was not able to build the cube.

If you analysis repository is in .MDB file make sure that the OLAP Administrators group has full control access to the Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\ Bin Folder.

If the analysis repository is in .MDF file make sure that the OLAP Administrators group has db_owner access to the project server database. (I was able to resolve my problem by doing this)

Hope it helps.

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