Stephan Steiner
I thought I had already posted this yesterday but cannot find the post
anywhere so perhaps I forgot to submit and apologize in advance for
any double post should my eyes or google groups deceive me.
Anyway, we recently published some enterprise fields in read-write
mode, so that resources can write into them. Now we have resources
that swear that the values they enter into those fields magically
change overnight.
So I started investigating and managed to reproduce the issue. It
seems the problem happens whenever a resource makes a change to one of
those enterprise values while the project is being worked on in the
project client. Upon saving the project, any changes made between the
point where the project has been loaded into the client, and the point
where the project has been successfully saved, is being lost and the
value that was there prior to opening the project in the project
client is being restored.
I also tested this with time reported, and it seems there the changes
survive the same scenario - the same also goes for writeable standard
fields (we have fixed work tasks so our resources can change remaining
However, I'm left wondering if we did something wrong when publishing
those EFs as I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that EFs that
appear in the timesheet and are writeable would be overwritten when
somebody is working on the project in the meantime.. it makes the
whole idea of having writeable EFs completely useless as we cannot
guarantee stability on those fields and we risk overwriting values
entered by resources (I understand that if assignments are republished
fields are being overwritten but we're not doing that.. a simple
saving the project, or also accepting a timesheet will do the trick
just fine).
I thought I had already posted this yesterday but cannot find the post
anywhere so perhaps I forgot to submit and apologize in advance for
any double post should my eyes or google groups deceive me.
Anyway, we recently published some enterprise fields in read-write
mode, so that resources can write into them. Now we have resources
that swear that the values they enter into those fields magically
change overnight.
So I started investigating and managed to reproduce the issue. It
seems the problem happens whenever a resource makes a change to one of
those enterprise values while the project is being worked on in the
project client. Upon saving the project, any changes made between the
point where the project has been loaded into the client, and the point
where the project has been successfully saved, is being lost and the
value that was there prior to opening the project in the project
client is being restored.
I also tested this with time reported, and it seems there the changes
survive the same scenario - the same also goes for writeable standard
fields (we have fixed work tasks so our resources can change remaining
However, I'm left wondering if we did something wrong when publishing
those EFs as I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that EFs that
appear in the timesheet and are writeable would be overwritten when
somebody is working on the project in the meantime.. it makes the
whole idea of having writeable EFs completely useless as we cannot
guarantee stability on those fields and we risk overwriting values
entered by resources (I understand that if assignments are republished
fields are being overwritten but we're not doing that.. a simple
saving the project, or also accepting a timesheet will do the trick
just fine).