Bill Brooks
I have been working with Project 2002 Server for about two
years and the performance is pathetic for an "enterprise"
tool. We have 1200 users, 220 plans, 80 PMs, and each
project is about 6 mos duration, opening/publishing/saving
is a daunting task. I am starting to investigate the use
of Project 2003 Server with the hopes that the performance
is much better. Does anyone have any metrics on the
performance improvements on upgrading? I cannot fight off
our users during another round of terrible performance.
As far as configuration/installation goes, it is setup
properly, that is the least of my concerns. (2 web boxes,
db on cluster, AS on its own machine). Any performance
metrics is greatly appreciated.
years and the performance is pathetic for an "enterprise"
tool. We have 1200 users, 220 plans, 80 PMs, and each
project is about 6 mos duration, opening/publishing/saving
is a daunting task. I am starting to investigate the use
of Project 2003 Server with the hopes that the performance
is much better. Does anyone have any metrics on the
performance improvements on upgrading? I cannot fight off
our users during another round of terrible performance.
As far as configuration/installation goes, it is setup
properly, that is the least of my concerns. (2 web boxes,
db on cluster, AS on its own machine). Any performance
metrics is greatly appreciated.