Project Server 2003 tracking questions


Calvin Tse

We are planning to implement the Project server into our network. However, 2
questions I want to find out the answer first before I buy it. When the
project creator assign a task to a person with a due date, if the task
receiver uses Outlook, can s/he has some kinds of email/reminder pops up 2
days before the due date automatically? Second, if the task has passed the
due date, can the Project server somehow send out an email/reminder to
different people (like the task receiver, the task receiver's boss and the
project creator) regarding about this overdue task automatically?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The answer is yes to all your questions with one caveat: Reminders are both
subscriptive (users set these up for for themselves) and prescriptive
(managers can force these on their resources). The system doesn't allow you
to send these reminders to multiple people from one reminder instance. In
other words, if you want to send a reminder to your resources, you must
setup a "remind my resource" reminder, and if you also want to receive a
reminder, you need to setup a "remind me" reminder.

I hope that's not too confusing, but understand that there are no multicast
capabilities built-in to these. You can overcome this programmatically,

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