Project Server 2003 Uninstall



I accidentally uninstalled Sharepoint 2.0 before uninstalling Project Server
2003 and now when I try to uninstall Project Server 2003 it says a fatal
exception has occured and it exits the uninstall. Would anyone happen to
know how I can get around this? (I know it's failing to uninstall because it
still thinks other applications are using it but I have tried to stopping all
project services in the windows services manager and in IIS web service
extensions as well as completely stopping IIS.)


It won't let me reinstall, it just asks me everytime if I want to uninstall
the previous install instance instead of asking me repair or remove.
Unfortunetly I can't reinstall the OS or do a rollback from the server back
ups as that would cause to much work to be lost. I also found a previous
thread where a similiar situation happened and you replied with the editsite
tool, which I downloaded and ran and was able to regain access to the Project
Server admin web panel, I passed Virtual Directory and MSADC, but I fail
Registry and Database. Any advice?


Yes I did, I reinstalled sharepoint 2.0 and got the website running in 2.0
then upgraded to 3.0, since that's what project server was working with at
the time, and got the site working in 3.0, and now I can access the project
server site and web admin panel, but I still cant uninstall.


Actually I got it to say everything passed, but it still won't let me

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