Project Server 2003 with Sharepoint Services



Need help!!!

I am running Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2000 SP3a, Project Server 2003
SP1, Sharepoint Services 2.0 SP1 all on a same machine. I ran the Windows
Sharepoint Services Configuration Wizard. I also have installed updates:
I ran the PSComplus.exe.

The problem that I have is I can't display the manage users and groups under
Admin tab on Project Web Access with an user which has the administrator
priviledge. By the way, I could display this when I removed Sharepoint
Services, but I want to have Sharepoint Services with Project Server in risk,
documents and others.

Any suggestions of what I did wrong or miss.


Nico Oosthuysen

Hi QC,

The only think that jumps out to me is that you had removed WSS, but now
have put it back. If this is the case, and your WSS and Proejct server
isntallations are on the same virtual server in IIS, you need to make some
changes to your sharepoint configuration in your Sharepoint Central
Administration page under:

Configure Virtual Server Settings --> Select your virtual server --> Define
Managed Paths.

Now you need to add /projectserver and /msadc as EXCLUDED paths in this


Thanks for your help, Nico.

I have /projectserver and /msadc as excluded path in WSS, but that doesn't
solve the problem.

More info, I am able to use Risk, Issue, and Document on Project Web Access.
I am also able to add user to Project Server, but again I can't view all the
users and groups when I click Manage Users and Group under Admin tab.

Any other suggestions.


Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


What happens when you login using the built-in admin account? Is your
Windows logon being limited by its RBS value and other permission
restrictions in other groups and categories? Have you or others running your
system made a habit of assigning resources directly to categories?


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

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