Project Server 2007 and remote users




As the scheduling engine is working directly on the server, can we expect
some improvements in Project Server 2007 speed of update (especially
Timesheets updates, but also openning of Project Pro) for remote users who
are working throught CITRIX servers.
My users are eager for this improvement.
Thanks for your feedback


Rod Gill

Remote users are unlikely to even need CITRIX! Project Professional caches
the Enterprise Global file and all projects. Once the Global and any project
has been opened once, only changes go up and down the line. So, if a remote
user is the only person updating a project file, the open will be almost as
fast as opening from a local .mpp file.

This means no CITRIX login delays, Project Pro opens as fast as the local PC
can run. Not sure about timesheet updates, but the server part will be
slightly slower as the server now updates the project so Project
Professional doesn't need to be loaded which of course makes it faster. This
last is from memory of what I think I saw at the Project Conference as I
haven't played with that area in the Beta yet.

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