project server 2007 online


Ahmed Ghaith

Dear all,

how can i connect project server 2007 to internet (online)?


Mike Glen

Hi Ahmed,

Try posting on the microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup (forum).
Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and
other useful Project information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Ahmed Ghaith

i am still not know how connected PS2007 to internet.
Thanks for replay.

Mike Glen

Hi Ahmed,

In the same way that you asked a question on this forum (newsgroup), you
need to ask the question on the Project Server forum as this one only deals
with the Standard version. Try posting on the
microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup (forum) where the Server version
experts are.

Mike Glen
Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

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