Project Server 2007 - Publish Project and Issues Alerts



Maybe I don't understand how Project Server 2007 works but I thought that
when I publish a new schedule to the server and it creates the "Issues" and
the "Risks" that it would have an automatic alert to everybody that I put on
the workspace.

Part A: My goal is to send an alert to a list of people anytime an issue is
added to the workspace - not just the "assigned to" person.

Part B: I would like that to be the default - that I publish a schedule, and
from then on any issues created will send an alert to the list of people.

How can this be done?

Ben Howard

Hi CQ,
This doesn't work out of the box. The easiest way to do this to create a
distribution list for each project, and then subscribe the DL to the issues
and risks. I'm sure you could do this programatically, but you'd need to
post to the WSS discussion list.

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