John T.
Is it possible to install Live Communications Server and Project Server on
the same Box?
It will be for a small amount of users and data. We are trying to get Share
Point, Live Communications Server, and Project Server running with some live
data to show to some of our VPs. We feel we will have a much better chance of
getting the project approved if we can show them some examples that contain
our information.
Or, should I put Live Communications Server or Project Server on the same
box as SharePoint? I only have two servers available
Thanks for the help,
the same Box?
It will be for a small amount of users and data. We are trying to get Share
Point, Live Communications Server, and Project Server running with some live
data to show to some of our VPs. We feel we will have a much better chance of
getting the project approved if we can show them some examples that contain
our information.
Or, should I put Live Communications Server or Project Server on the same
box as SharePoint? I only have two servers available
Thanks for the help,