Project Server Login Issue (and possibly Sharepoint 3.0 related)



First an overview of what we have. I have a Windows 2003 Server running
SharePoint Services 3.0 and Project Server 2003 running in our DMZ. This is
a test project server and it has the admin SharePoint site running on it. I
have 10 users that will be using Project Server. We have a SQL 2005 Express
server also on Windows 2003 Server running on our internal LAN. Of course
Project 2003 Server has no idea that SPS 3.0 exists, so I followed KB article
917401 with great success to setup the Project database using the command

Symptoms: PWA has it's users logon using windows authentication except for
the PWA admin account, but the users can only get into PWA when logging into
the test SharePoint & Project server. When I'm logged into my PC and
navigate to the PWA site, I get the following error...

"Project was unable to log you on at this time because the Project Server
database cannot be accessed. Please try again later or check with your
Project Server administrator. (5001)"

When I login to the Project server I get a Welcome plus my name.
At that time I see on the main screen a task and risk that states, "There is
a problem establishing a connection with the Web server running Windows
SharePoint Services. Contact your system administrator."

Can someone direct me on how to troubleshoot extending the Project site in
SharePoint 3.0? I've tried doing this by creating a new application within
SharePoint, but it won't let me reference the Project site in IIS because the
port is already in use. Within PWA logged in as the admin, testing the
SharePoint admin URL pops up the admin site with no problem.

When I specify the following SharePoint setting within the Project admin
site, it obviously fails.

Under the "Create a site under this SharePoint URL:" field I have
http://betasp:8080/sites which is just a sites folder under the main PWA
site. When I click to verify the public documents site
"http://betasp:8080/sites/MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments" obviously it
fails because the sites and MS_ProjectServer_PublicDocuments folders do not

I know it's not a firewall issue as far as the SPS3.0 server in the DMZ
going to the SQL server in the LAN has nothing but excepted packets. My PC
in the LAN going to the PWA site has nothing, but accepted packets. the IDs
are setup right, but they ONLY WORK when authenticated locally to the SPS &
Project server. So the accounts for the MSProjectServerRole and
MSProjectUserRole are OK. It must be something to do with Project and
SharePoint not getting allong together.

I think I'm close to getting a test site up and running and appreciate any

Ivor Davies

Someone please correct me if I am wrong but doesn't Project Server 2003 only
work with SharePoint Services Version 2.0.

Project Server 2007 works with SharePoint Services 3.0.

Is this correct?


Ben Howard

Ivor, you are correct, PS2003 is WSS 2.0 only. However, the install of
WSS2.0 was optional (unlike PS2007), so it was possible to have PS2003
sitting alone as it where. This is I guess what Tim has. There is no way to
extend or provision PS2003 into a WSS 3.0 environment.

There are some more fundamental things wrong with this project server
implemenation, getting the 5001 is an issue. Try using the editsite tool to
make sure that the server connects correctly to the database when logged in
via the Server Console - there are permissions to disable WSS use and I
suggest you do this too! Once editsite has correctly been used to set the db
connections, then you should be able to log in via PWA too from your PC.
There was another PS2003 tool which is useful too, Conninfo.
Editsite -
Conninfo -

Good luck...
Thanks, Ben.

Please rate this post if it helped.


Thanks Ben,

So if we retain WSS3.0 for the purpose of adding a intranet site with the
3.0 app templates, and use the tools you stated to use PWA, how then are new
Projects published via Project Professional? I was under the impression they
are published to SharePoint. Also would we still have some collaborative
features within Project including e-mail notifications when tasks are updated?

Thanks again,

Ben Howard

Hi Tim,
Projects aren't published to sharepoint, they are published to a SQL
database... A Project Workspace can be created (optional for both 2003 and
2007). Projects are published, sharepoint is irrelevant in the publishing
process. You can still use SMTP for email notifications etc, what you loose
with no sharepoint is issues, risks and documents, ie the general
"collaboration" items, but NOT email :)

Thanks, Ben.

Please rate this post if it helped.


"Try using the editsite tool to make sure that the server connects correctly
to the database when logged in via the Server Console - there are permissions
to disable WSS use and I suggest you do this too! Once editsite has
correctly been used to set the db connections, then you should be able to log
in via PWA too from your PC."

I used the edit site tool to change one of the ProjectUser that was off and
it tested OK, but still no good integrating with WSS 3.0. Where are the
permissions to disable WSS use as I do not see it within that tool?

Thanks again,

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