Project Server Notification


Deepak Iyer

I am trying to understand how Project Server uses the RBS for notifications.

This is a summary of what we are trying to do:

1. A project manager creates a project with generic resources and publishes.
2. Appropriate resource managers (there are multiple resource managers with
access to different pools of resources) gets notified to allocate available
resources to the project.
3. Resource managers 'build team'.
4. Project Manager assigns resources to tasks

What's the best way to achieve this?

Philip Lanier

To my knowledge, there is no such functionality out-of-the-box in Project
Pro. You could certainly achieve this through custom code - either client
side or server-side. Client side, you'd probably want to iterate through
all assignments, determine if they are for generic resources, and then email
the appropriate resource manager by getting information from the RBS.
Server-side, you could use the PDS to get information on all generic
resources, determine what tasks/projects they're assigned to, and then email
the appropriate resource managers. There are a few potential gotchas with
either route, so you'd probably want to do a proof-of-concept before
launching into either one of them, but this could at least give you some

I hope this is helpful!

Philip Lanier
Ascentium Corporation

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