Project Server - Portal Server 2003 Integration


Mike Price

I currently have Project Server and Portal Server 2003 installed on the
same server. We have started utilizing the WSS sites that are created
for Projects. I was wondering what I would need to do to configure
Project/Portal/WSS to add Project sites to the Portal Site Directory.
Basically my goal is to be able to index my Project sites using Portal
Server 2003.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mike --

I beleve your Project Server administrator needs to do the following before
you can use SharePoint Portal Server with WSS:

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage Windows SharePoint Services
3. Click the Connect to SharePoint Portal Server link in the sidepane on
the left
4. Select the Connect to portal site option
5. Enter the Portal Web Address and Portal Name
6. Click the Save Changes button

Hope this helps.

Mike Price

Thanks for your reply.

I already had Project configured in the fashion you suggested.

Let me give you more information so that you know why I am asking the
question and you know how my server is setup.

First the reason for the question. We have started to use the project
team sites and I noticed that Portal Server isn't indexing docs in the
doclibs for the project team sites. My assumption is that if I have
project server configured to comunicate with Portal Server as you have
suggested then each time I create a team site for a project via Project
Server that team site would be included in the Portal Server site
directory which is indexed every night. What I am experiencing is
Portal Server indexes all of the team sites I have created via Portal
Server just fine but not the project team sites.

My setup. Right now I have project server installed as a virtual under
the Default Website. It is configured to create new project team sites
under the Default Website as well (http://<servername>:80/sites). On
the other hand my instance of Portal Server is installed as its own
server (http://portal) with host headers of and
portal. When if installed the server I had installed Project Server
first and then months later I installed Portal Server. Should this
setup still work?

Mike Price

When I said "On
the other hand my instance of Portal Server is installed as its own
server (http://portal)" I meant that I installed Portal Server in its
own IIS 6 website and that website is on the same server as Project
Server which is installed as a virtual under the Default Website.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mike --

SharePoint Portal Server is not my specialty. Therefore, I will invite
others with this type of knowledge to attempt to answer your question.

Mike Price

I think I found answers to my questions but if anyone could validate
them please do.

Question: If you create a new project team site through project server
will Portal Server automatically be able to index that site?

Answer: No. You must create a content source in Portal Server that
points at that new project team site before it can be indexed.

Michael Elongong

We are developing an ASP that will review the WSS project sites and create
content source entries in WSPS for those WSS sites that do not exist.

Contact me at below and we can discuss it more and share our results with

Michael Elliott
Project Manager
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Phone: (512) 465-0721

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