Project Server - Remedy integration




We need to intgrate Microsoft Project Server 2007 to Remedy on SQL Server.
Any recommendations on tools and methods?

Thank you,



Depends what you're trying to do, but Remedy has an API (ARS - Action Request
System) that you can use to manage the Remedy end of things.

I wouldn't recommend adding triggers to the 07 Server database or anything
else that amends the original schema, a better idea might be to use MTS with
an external intermediate database to marshal the relevant data prior to
invoking the ARS calls. Or even simpler, put something together with C# to
sink the data and schedule it to run every hour or as required.

Andrew Lavinsky

Depending on what you plan to integrate, you might try a third party solution
like Timecontrol. That integrates the timesheet and time management system
which is usually the point of integration I've seen.

(No, I don't work for them, but I've watched the demo a couple of times).

There's probably a couple of other solutions out there which do the same




I'm doing the exact same thing - building an interface between Remedy and

I'm not very familiar with MS Project, but have been muddling my way through
the SDK and am beginning to piece together something that resembles an

What data are you trying to pull out from Remedy?

Have you downloaded the MS Project 2007 SDK? That has examples that will
address most of what you are probably looking for.


I want to thank everyone for their feedback.

My apologies for the delay in responding, we delayed in delivering the first
phase on portfolio server. As such, I have not worked on the integration to
Remedy. I am a project Manager and responsible for gathering business
requirements, which I have not done yet. My original request was in
preparation for the interface project "pre-emptive strike". This project
will come back to life in about a month.

Thanks again,


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