The Novice --
Before you can publish a project, you must create a login account in
Microsoft Project Professional and then use this account to log into Project
Server through Microsoft Project Professional. Refer to the following link
for the steps to set up your login account and how to log in: Documents/CreatePMLoginAccount.htm
After you have logged into Project Server through Microsoft Project
Professional, you can publish a project by opening the project and then
using the following procedures:
-- Click Collaborate - Publish - New and Changed Assignments to push the
assignments to the View My Tasks page, the View Resource Assignments page,
and other resource-related areas of PWA
-- Click Collaborate - Publish - Project Plan to publish the project to the
Project Center page, detailed Project views, and other areas of PWA
-- Click Collaborate - Publish - All Information to perform both of the
above steps in a single action
Beyond this, to save you time and frustration, you might want to consider
purchasing our company's books on Project Server 2003, available for
purchase by clicking either of the URL's in my signature block. Hope this