Project Sharing


Dave Howard

Project sharing could be sooooo useful.
We're in a small office, Mac based, we're a not for profit organisation.
We don't want to go down the Exchange Seerver route - we don't want a PC,
we're not techies and we can't afford it!

But can I get Project sharing to work? No.
I should add that I'm not a a Mac newbie - I teach Music Technology on Mac
systems and have 3 in my house on a wireless network. At work tho I need

I've tried to make this as clear as I can:

2 Mac G4 Powerbooks on 10.3.9
Entourage v 11.0.0
Step by step.......

1. Project set up on my machine called "My Diary"
Clicked on "share" and chose a location to save the shared folder
on my secretary's machine..connected via ethernet.

Date Modified on folder and .rge file shows as 16:14

2. Invited her to subscribe via email and she did so. Calendar shows up in
her Project Center.

3. Added 2 events to the project calendar on my machine.

4. Waited to watch for synchronisation on my machine. - Actually I let it
happen twice. No errors reported.

5. New events appear in her calendar but Date modified and .rge files still
show 16:14

** Query - shouldn't the Modification Date change? **

6. Removed one of the new events and changed the length of the other new
event and the event title on my machine.

7. Waited to watch for synchronisation on my machine.

8. The event that I changed the length of and edited the title of showed up
on my secretary's machine as edited.


**Problem: The deleted event wasn't deleted on my secretary's machine **

9. Edited the length and title of an event on my machine.

10. Waited to watch for synchronisation on my machine.

11. The event that I changed the length of and edited the title of showed up
on my secretary's machine as edited.

12. Deleted the event that was successfully showing up as edited.

13. Waited to watch for synchronisation on my machine.

14. The event I deleted wasn't deleted on my secretaries machine.

**Problem: The deleted event wasn't deleted on my secretary's machine **

15. My secretary added an event into the project on her machine.

16. Waited to watch for synchronisation on my machine.

17. The event that was added on my secretary's machine doesn't show on mine/

** Problem: The deleted event wasn't deleted on my secretary's machine **

Keiko Toulegenova [MSFT]

Hi Dave,
Please try the following and let me know if these make any difference on
sharing your project.

1. Select your project and click Overview tab
2. Click on Properties button at the bottom
3. Click Sharing tab
4. Select ³Share it² from the drop down next to ³When I add a new item to
this project²
5. Click Save button

* If your secretary would need to edit/add items in the project, she needs
to do the same.
* ³Last sync² in Sharing tab in Project Properties tells you when your
project was sync¹ed. There is no ³Sync now² or ³Force sync² command in

When you start sharing your project;
* Project Sharing Assistant: Page 4 ­ Please choose "Yes, share current
project items (except e-mail and clippings)"
* Project Sharing Assistant: Page 5 ­ Please choose "Yes, share items added
to this project by default"

I¹d appreciate if you could provide me the following information.
1. Where do you keep your project for sharing?
2. If you share your project on server, how do you mount the server when you
start sharing your project?

Thank you,

Keiko Toulegenova
Redmond Entourage Test

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Barry Wainwright

5. New events appear in her calendar but Date modified and .rge files still
show 16:14

** Query - shouldn't the Modification Date change? **

Strictly speaking, yes it should. However, the .RGE 'file' is actually a
system 'package', containing subdirectories and files etc hidden from the
user. There seems to be an OS 'issue' with updating the mod dates of the
overall package when the content of a sub-sub-folder changes. Nothing to
worry about normally, but it can play havoc with 'bug-chasing' exercises
like you are involved with here.

Dave Howard

Hi Keiko

Hi Dave,
Please try the following and let me know if these make any difference on
sharing your project.

1. Select your project and click Overview tab
2. Click on Properties button at the bottom
3. Click Sharing tab
4. Select ³Share it² from the drop down next to ³When I add a new item to this
5. Click Save button

My machine - that was already done.
Her machine - it was also already done.

* If your secretary would need to edit/add items in the project, she needs to
do the same.
* ³Last sync² in Sharing tab in Project Properties tells you when your project
was sync¹ed. There is no ³Sync now² or ³Force sync² command in Entourage.

Last sync is showing accurate time for last sync even though the file isn't
showing an up to date modification date in the finder

When you start sharing your project;
* Project Sharing Assistant: Page 4 ­ Please choose "Yes, share current
project items (except e-mail and clippings)"
* Project Sharing Assistant: Page 5 ­ Please choose "Yes, share items added to
this project by default"

Yes - I did this when I set it up.
I am going to try trashing the existing project and setting it up again just
triple checking that I've done it correctly.
I¹d appreciate if you could provide me the following information.
1. Where do you keep your project for sharing?

We have our two power books in the office connected via the building's

The project is located at:

Her Hard Disk>Users>Shared>Entourage Projects>Dave's Diary>Dave's
2. If you share your project on server, how do you mount the server when you
start sharing your project?

When I start Entourage it asks me if it can connect directly - I've added
the password to my keychain.

When I want to check what files are created and modify folders I click on an
alias of her hard drive that I've put on my desktop.

If we could work out why it was letting me edit events but not delete them
we would be half way there.

Thanks Keiko


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