Project tasks into the Outlook calendar



I am starting to work with Project Server and have gotten to the point that
email notices are received by the resource that a task is assigned to however
there are never any tasks to be imported. Is there something missing in the
setup? We have the Outlook addin already in place.

Marc Soester

Hi Bill,
The email notification and the "import" tasks into outlook are not
connected. You mentioned that you have the Outlook add in installed. Do you
actually use the "import new assingments" button to import the tasks?


Hi Marc,

Yes I click on the button to import the tasks and get a message 'no tasks to
import'. I have received the email notice so the link to Outlook is good.

Reid McTaggart

Are you looking in the Outlook Calendar view? Tasks are imported to Outlook
as Calendar entries, not task list items.


Yes, I am looking at my calendar after receiving the notification and after
pressing the import new assignments button.

Reid McTaggart

Backing up a few steps:

On your PWA Home Page, did you click the hyperlink to "Work with Outlook to
share calendar and task information"?


Yes I have clicked on the hyperlink. It takes me to the page with the
downlaod button for the Outlook addin. Is there something else that I am not

Reid McTaggart

Sounds like you are doing it right. What version of Outlook are you running,
and are you using Exchange Server?



I have testeed the connection to the Project Server and it is set to use my
Windows login so I believe they are correct.


It is Outlook 2003 with SP1. We are using an Exchange Server. Is there
something that has to be specifically enabled on the Exchange Server? I know
very little about that portion.


Please,help us I've got absolutely the same problem.I've wrote a question
about this on the 13th page but Dale couldn't help he told that must invite
more peple to disscus this problem.Thanks in advance to everyone who is
helping us to solve this problem!!!


Good news! Todd, our development project manager, has solved the mystery and
corrected the problem. It works beautifully now. Here is his explanation "It
turns out the Project Server service pack updated the stored procedure that
returns the list of tasks with some bad SQL. I ripped out the offending
variable and now it works."


Hi Bill can you explain it more specificly how to solve this problem thank
you in advance!!!


Hello, again, I have same issue with Project 2003 Server SP1 as mentioned by
Bill and Stefan. Any help from experts would be very much appreciated...

The following error is logged to the event log on the server with the
database when the user tries to import new assignments via the Outlook

Souce: Microsoft Project Server
Event ID: 2
Component: PDS
Line: 0
Error Number: 0x253b
Description <Description><![CDATA[CDataAccess.ExecuteSP;-2147217904 :
Procedure 'MSP_PDS_GetAvailableAssignments' expects parameter
'@include_locked, which was not supplied.]]></Description>

The client gets popup dialog in Outlook stating that there are no tasks to

If there is a problem with the MSP_PDS_GetAvailableAssigments and amendments
made with SP1 and the @include_locked variable, then I would like to know how
I can resolve. I am not particulary keen to start changing stored procedures

Any assistance gratefully received.

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