Project To Excel



Hello All,

I am trying to take a custom view and copy that to EXCEL. The View has a
simple table on the left, which I can programatically write to EXCEL.
However, the table on the left (TimeScale) which has Cost and Work is giving
me a lot of problems. I cannot seem to figure out how to copy and paste into
If I target the top, left cell I get an error that there is nothing in the
clipboard. Likewise if I just try to get a few cells, the table turns blue
as if it has been selected, however nothing will copy over.... here is what
I have;
Dim xlRow As Excel.Range
Dim xlCol As Excel.Range

Sub TrasferTimescaleData()

Const intervalType As Integer = pjTimescaleWeeks
Const dataType As Integer = pjWork
Const dataCost As Integer = pjCost

'Link to Excel

Dim Xl As Excel.Application
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook

Set Xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set Xl = New Excel.Application
Set xlBook = Xl.Workbooks.Add
Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets.Add
xlSheet.Name = "pj"

'Set first cell
Set xlRow = Xl.ActiveCell

'Copy Left Table

'SelectRange 3, 4
'xlSheet.Paste xlRow

'SelectResourceColumn Column:="Name", Additional:=2

'Transfer Table Headings
Dim i As Integer
Dim Heading As String
For i = 1 To ActiveSelection.FieldNameList.count
xlSheet.Cells(1, i) = ActiveSelection.FieldNameList(i)

'Copy Time Scale Data
Dim TSValues As TimeScaleValues
Dim noColumns As Integer, startCol As Integer
TimescaleEdit intervalType, intervalType
DetailStylesAdd Item:=dataType
DetailStylesAdd Item:=dataCost
Set TSValues =
ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, intervalType)
noColumns = TSValues.count

SelectTimescaleRange Row:=1, StartTime:="Sun 10/1/06", Width:=5, Height:=8

'Tansfer Timescale Dates
Dim TSV As TimeScaleValue
i = 0
For Each TSV In TSValues
i = i + 1
xlSheet.Cells(1, 1) = Format(TSV.StartDate, "mm/dd/yy")

Xl.Visible = True
End Sub

Jack Dahlgren


Don't bother with copying cell by cell. Project is NOT excel.

instead you should be doing something like

for each task in active project.tasks
'copy task name to excel
xlRow.vlaue =
'move to next column
loop through all the timescaled values (types are pTaskTimescaledWork
and pjTaskTimescaledCost) for the task and write to excel.

-Jack Dahlgren



Thank you for replying...
I have inserted this code:

Set tsvs = t.TimeScaleData(StartDate:=t.ActualStart, EndDate:=t.ActualFinish)

For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks

For Each tsv In tsvs
xlRow.Value = pjTaskTimescaledCost
dwn 1
xlRow.Value = pjTaskTimescaledWork
dwn 1
Next tsv

Next t

Jack Dahlgren

A few things:

First the "set tsvs" should occur for each task - it needs to be inside your
"for each" loop otherwise the same data will be pushed over and over for
each task.

Second: What data are you expecting?

What units do you want it to report in? The default units for tsv's are

-Jack Dahlgren


Thank you for the extra help!

I have set the tsvs inside the For Loop and still get the same thing...
here is what data I am expecting, maybe this will help. Thank you for
pointing me in the right direction!
2nd Quarter
Apr May
WORK 247.75 233.83h
COST $13,499.96 $12,741.54
WORK 91.4h 86.27h
COST $5,296.44 $4,998.89
WORK 21.65h 20.43h
COST $1,359.55 $1,283.17


Jack and All...

I have narrowed down my problem only to pose a new issue...
I am now getting the WORK and COST data for quarters that I want, however;
1.) it is not formatted the way I want which I can handle if I can get 2
taken care of. I am trying to format in the example in the last post by
quarter, any pointers would be great!!!
2.) with the below code I am looping through an individual resource,
however, what I NEED to do is loop through all the resources in a specified
GROUP. Any pointers would be great! Here is what I have:

Set tsvs = ActiveProject.Resources("resource").TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
EndDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
Type:=pjResourceTimescaledWork, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleQuarters, count:=1)

For Each tsv In tsvs
If tsv <> "" Then
xlRow = Val(tsv.Value) / 60 & " WORK"
dwn 1
End If
Next tsv

' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Set tsvs = ActiveProject.Resources("resource").TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
EndDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
Type:=pjResourceTimescaledCost, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleQuarters, count:=1)

For Each tsv In tsvs
If tsv <> "" Then
xlRow = "$" & Val(tsv.Value) / 60 & " COST"
dwn 1
End If
Next tsv



Hello All,

I am now to this point.. I can get the data desired if I specify a resource.
What I need is to be able to gather data from a user defined (Enterprise)
field. I just can't figure out how to access that property to be able to set
the tsvs. Here is what i have:

Set tsvs = ActiveProject.Resources("resource").TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
EndDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
Type:=pjResourceTimescaledWork, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleQuarters, count:=1)

SelectResourceField Row:=0, Column:="Enterprise Resource Outline Code6"

For Each tsv In tsvs
' Dim x As String

If tsv <> "" Then
xlRow = "WORK"
Set xlRow = xlRow.Offset(0, 1)
xlRow = Val(tsv.Value) / 60
Set xlRow = xlRow.Offset(1, -1)
End If
Next tsv

' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Set tsvs = ActiveProject.Resources("resource").TimeScaleData( _
StartDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectStart, _
EndDate:=ActiveProject.ProjectFinish, _
Type:=pjResourceTimescaledCost, _
TimeScaleUnit:=pjTimescaleQuarters, count:=1)

For Each tsv In tsvs
If tsv <> "" Then
xlRow = "COST"
'Set xlRow = xlRow.Offset(1, 0) 'cost is correct
Set xlRow = xlRow.Offset(0, 1)
xlRow = "$" & Val(tsv.Value)
Set xlRow = xlRow.Offset(1, -1)

Jack Dahlgren

You can run the TimeScaleData method on a resource or a resource collection.
One easy way to get a resource collection is to go to resource sheet, filter
by whatever criteria you want, then selectall.

dim filteredResources as Resources
'filter by group
'select all
set filteredResources = ActiveSelection.resources

set tsv = filteredResources.TimeScaleData(....

-Jack Dahlgren

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