Project Update Security



OK...cut to the's what I want to do...

Allow project managers to see projects they manage, those in which they
are a team member, those that are managed by those they manage, those
that have their people assigned to them.....

HOWEVER, I only want the PM to be able to update projects they manage.

Is this possible?

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

Here's what you will need to do to make this happen:

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage security
3. Select the My Projects category and click the Modify Category button
4. In the Projects section, select ONLY the first checkbox (Allow users in
this category to view all projects they manage) and deselect each of the
other three checkboxes
5. Click the Save Changes button

The above steps will allow PM's to open and save only those projects for
which they are the project manager. Next, complete the following steps:

1. On the Categories page, click the Add Category button
2. Name this new Category something like My Other Projects
3. In the Users and groups section, add the Project Managers group to the
list on the right
4. In the Permissions grid, set only the Open Project permission to Allow
5. In the Projects section, select ONLY the second, third, and fourth
6. Click the Save Changes button

The above steps will allow your project managers to open Read-Only any
projects in which they are a team member, etc., etc. Hope this helps.


Thanks Dale. I assume I can have all four boxes checked in the
resource section within "My Projects" since by default no permission is
given to edit resource information -- correct?

By the same token I could also create a "My Employee's Projects"
checking only the box that allows them to see projects managed by those
they manage -- and allow both "open project" and "save project" -- if I
wanted managers to be able to update projects managed by those who work
for them -- correct?

Does the above solution you provided also take care of templates? I
want to "own" the templates I create as the administrator, but I want
to give read only access to the PMs to those templates.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --



See my answer to your previous post about the permission to save templates.


Actually would I only need to allow 'Save Project' in the "My
Employee's Projects"? I assume if you have Save capability you have
Open capability.



Dale, I followed this procedure and sure enough when I tested it
through MS Project Pro 2003, logged on as the PM, and opened the
project list, I could see the 4 projects I owned and one project
greyed out (read only) on the list that wasn't mine but had my people
assigned to it. Cool enough .....

HOWEVER, when I go to the PWA and logon as that same PM, I can only see
the projects I own. Shouldn't I see the others I have rights to view

What gives?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

If you want people to see these projects in PWA, then you will need to do
the following:

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage security
3. Select the My Other Projects category and click the Modify Category
4. In the Users and groups section, select the Project Managers group
5. In the Permissions grid, set only the following permissions to Allow:

See Projects in Project Center
See Projects in Project Views
View Risks, Issues, and Documents (if you want them to add Risks, Issues, or
Documents to these projects)

6. Click the Save Changes button

Hope this helps.


Dale, I did this just as you specified and alas, I still cannot see the
projects in project center logged on as the PM (although I can still
open read-only with the client as that PM). Please advise. Makes
sense that it should work though.

Am I understanding this correctly that permissions set for a category
are specific to the users and groups item in the list on the right at
the top? In other words, if there were 4 other groups listed other
than Project Managers, I would have to set permissions 5 times before
saving? It doesn't appear that the check boxes change below based on
each user or group.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

Set the same permission for the Groups directly through the new Category.
It's quicker. Also, make sure you have not set any permission in the
Permissions grid to Deny, as that could trump the Allow permission set in
another Group or Category. Hope this helps.


The only permissions I have set for the "My View Only Projects"
category is the last 5 (see,see,see,see, and view) -- Allow. Nothing
else. I also have the checkboxes checked:

Allow users in this category to view all projects in which they are a
team member
Allow users in this category to view all projects assigned to resources
they manage

If I toggle the "Open Project" permission on and off, I obviously can
or cannot open the project read only thru the client. I am puzzled why
the others allowed don't make a difference in the PWA. If you have any
other ideas, please advise. It just doesn't make any sense to me.


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