Project URL projectID= question for a n00b



Is there a way to grab the projectid= dynamically. I want to create a
web part which uses page viewer to display project level information
within WSS sites. The problem is currently the only way I know is to
copy a saved link and use SimpleUI. This works fine, however I would
like to create a template out of one of these sites and have the link
change for each project. Specifically, I need a way to grab the
projectID= paramater so I can change it dynamically based on which WSS
site the URL is in. I realize this may be an based question
and I am not knowledgeable in ASP. Please help if you can. Thanks

Mike Glen

Hi Justin,

As has been said many times...Try posting on the server newsgroup as this
one is closing down. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs,
companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at this
web address: .

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Hi. I am a bit confused which groups are active and which are closing
down. Can you provide a breif explanation. Also if you have any idea
where would be a better place to post please let me know. I have
already posted to .Microsoft Project Server 2003 with no luck :-(

Mike Glen

Hi Justin,

I thought I said that in my message!. The FAQ clearly states the 3 active
newsgroups. From your post, I deduced that you are using Project Server and
thus my recommendation to use the server newsgroup. The rerason for the
change is that Microsoft wants to reduce the number of newsgroups dealing
with Project to just 3. One has already gone and MS is waiting for the
traffic on the others to reduce sufficiently for them to remove the

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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