Project Web Access errors



This is not a reply, but a request for help as I am having similiar issues.
When I hit the "Home" page of PWA (Project Web Access) I end up with this
error message: Line: 1172, Char: 3, Error: Object expected, Code: 0,
URL: http://server/projectserver/Admin/admin.asp?_oid=-1
I believe it has something to do with the following code on this page, and
more specifically, the reference to the oLocalizedStrings.sLCID:
function PJStrings( oLocalizedStrings, nStringTableID, oStringTable )
var oThis = new Array;
oThis.nReferenceCount = 1;
oThis.nStringTableID = nStringTableID;
oThis.oStringTable = oStringTable;
oThis.sLCID = oLocalizedStrings.sLCID;

oThis.GetString = PJStrings_GetString;
oThis.AddString = PJStrings_AddString;
oThis.SearchAndReplace = PJStrings_SearchAndReplace;

return oThis;

If I attempt to enter the Manage User page, I receive the first error and
when I click OK, I am presented with this error: Line: 9621, Char: 3, Error:
'oLocalizedStrings.sLCID' is null or not an object, Code: 0,
URL: http://server/projectserver/Admin/Sec_Users.asp?_oid=-1

None of this prevents me from administering the server, but it is really

Also, this does not happen if I use any other computer to log into PWA.

Any ideas?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Whatever thread you thought you were adding this post to has long since
dropped from the main microsoft servers. So, your message is posted without
context. Always take the time to explain your own problem as you can't count
on similar symptoms indicating the same issue.

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