Sruli Ganor
I have SharePoint and Project Workspace Access (PWA).
PWA deploys some features, including PWSCtypes, which defines several
content types, which seem to be invalid.
E.g., content type Project Workspace Risk contains 15 FieldRefs (see extract
below), but when you open it in Site Settings -> Site Content Type you only
see the Name column, and the other are not shown.
Furthermore, Site Columns do not contains the fields referred from this
content type. E.g., there are no Site Columns called AssignedTo or DueDate.
If I create a new list and add "Project Workspace Risk" from Site Content
Types, and then create a new item in the list, I get a form with only a Title
This is a big problem for me, becauses I develop replication applications
for ShaerPoint sites, and cannot replicate these content types.
Is this is feature definition problem, or am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance
extract from ...\12\template\features\pwsctypes\pwsctypes.xml:
- <ContentType ID="0x010024290FBE2869495eB819832776560730"
Group="$Resources:core,List_Content_Types" Version="0">
- <FieldRefs>
<FieldRef ID="57CFB7A0-55E6-45cb-AB01-314F36DAF2C2" Name="Owner" />
<FieldRef ID="E9D56B99-1EAC-4f1d-A578-C55FE7B8603A" Name="AssignedTo" />
<FieldRef ID="6E86422F-6225-4aae-8C11-FB5B911C163F" Name="Status" />
<FieldRef ID="373C7DDE-32BC-4b09-B89B-82468AF3F8D6" Name="Category" />
<FieldRef ID="68865259-4598-4478-A616-25421406A322" Name="DueDate" />
PWA deploys some features, including PWSCtypes, which defines several
content types, which seem to be invalid.
E.g., content type Project Workspace Risk contains 15 FieldRefs (see extract
below), but when you open it in Site Settings -> Site Content Type you only
see the Name column, and the other are not shown.
Furthermore, Site Columns do not contains the fields referred from this
content type. E.g., there are no Site Columns called AssignedTo or DueDate.
If I create a new list and add "Project Workspace Risk" from Site Content
Types, and then create a new item in the list, I get a form with only a Title
This is a big problem for me, becauses I develop replication applications
for ShaerPoint sites, and cannot replicate these content types.
Is this is feature definition problem, or am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance
extract from ...\12\template\features\pwsctypes\pwsctypes.xml:
- <ContentType ID="0x010024290FBE2869495eB819832776560730"
Group="$Resources:core,List_Content_Types" Version="0">
- <FieldRefs>
<FieldRef ID="57CFB7A0-55E6-45cb-AB01-314F36DAF2C2" Name="Owner" />
<FieldRef ID="E9D56B99-1EAC-4f1d-A578-C55FE7B8603A" Name="AssignedTo" />
<FieldRef ID="6E86422F-6225-4aae-8C11-FB5B911C163F" Name="Status" />
<FieldRef ID="373C7DDE-32BC-4b09-B89B-82468AF3F8D6" Name="Category" />
<FieldRef ID="68865259-4598-4478-A616-25421406A322" Name="DueDate" />