Project2007 + PSI + C# - How to set actual work?



How to set actual work for task on selected date???


1 - Task GUID
2 - Project GUID
3 - ResourceGUID
4 - Date
5 - ActualWork (in minutes, spent for selected task on selected date)

I can do this job by mouse using MS Project2007 (menu - view - task usage)

But can't do the same task programmatically :(

Does anybody can help me???


Thanks a lot for helping me, but you have not clearly understand my Technical

I have a task for setting actual work (i know minutes) for task (i know
task guid) in project (i know project guid) by selected resource (i know
resource guid) for selected date (i know date).

MS Project2007 gets the instruments to do it using mouse and Project's
interface. (menu - view - task usage)

But PSI interface have not interfaces to do this task by c# code... :(

P.S. Sorry for my english. I am living in Ukraine :)

Andrew Jacks


Sorry I was not clear enough in my reply.

I have researched your issue in more detail to see if I could understand how
Project Server stores the information maintained in the Task Usage screen.

When a project was published it updated: -
MPS_TASKS - with the task details at the task level
MSP_ASSIGNMENTS - the the assignment details at task level
MSP_ASSN_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUES - Task details by day

Unfortunatly I have not yet been able to re-produce the update in code,
however I don't think it is under the Project PSI Namespace, but under the
Statusing PSI Namespace to do with Timephased updates.

I hope to research this in more details over the next few days.

Please keep me informed of your findings

Have a Good Day

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