projector to PC problem



Hi guys I have a Benq MP610 Projector its a good projector I guess I
bought it to be used

in a computer lab in a school for demonstration purposes my problem is
I want the monitor

of the computer which the projector is connected to work with the
projector because they

are using this computer for lessons which doesn't need projector also
and here is what

I've tried so far:

- connecting an AGP VGA card to the computer (Didn't work)
Reason: my computer have a built-in VGA card and a free AGP slot when
the AGP card is

connected the internal VGA will be disconnect automatically from bios
with no control over

this feature to turn it off.

- connecting the projector with computer and using the VGA out port
from the projector to

the computer screen (Didn't work)
Reason: to use the out port on the projector I bought a female/female
cable to connect my

monitor to the out port of the projector its making my monitor showing
curly moving lines

passing horizontally across the screen "maybe bad quality cables or
something", and most

importantly when I turn off the projector the computer monitor will be
turned off as well

which make the computer of no use to the other lessons with no

I am using windows XP Pro., my screen refresh rate is set to 60Hz the
VGA to Projector

cable length is 5m and the female/female cable to the monitor length is

What I am thinking about now is to buy a "monitor switch" if it exist I
don't know!! to out put

from the computer to the monitor and the projector and switch between
them. Any

comments will be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.


Thank you for a very informative description.

I recommend a VGA (or video) splitter. You need one computer input and two
monitor outputs like the ones pictured here:

I use a small box (DA or distribution amplifier) that also amplifies the
signal and allows the use of longer cables. With either of the two in the
pictures all you will have to do is power on the projector whenever you need
it. The signal will always be there.

Google "vga splitter" as well as "video splitter" and you'll find lots of
info and places to buy one.



Thank you for quick reply,
I looked up DAs in google and I found a lot of good products and it
seems like a professional solution but its quite expensive and I am off
my budget for this assignment right now so I think I am going to look
for VGA splitters its quite cheap and I think they will do for me.

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