One more point, 'cause i want to understand the ripple effect that changing
the duration or work hours has on dependent tasks.
You said that, "% Complete will change only for the immediate tasks," but if
I've got waterfall tasks linked and I increase the duration - under an ASAP
constraint - to the first task in the chain, then all subsequent task %
Completes change.
Is that not right?
Thanks again. I greatly appreciate the information.
AFAIK="As far as I know"
The situation you describe (changing duration or work hours) will change
%Complete only for the immediate task where you made the change.... nobody
downstream changes.
By default, tasks are "fixed units" - so I assign 1 unit at 100% (8 hr/day).
If I key duration at 5 days this is 40 hours work. Work=Assignment Units x
Duration, so changes to one drive changes to the other --- for that one
task. Project allows you to select which one to fix: Units, Work, Duration
and let the others vary.
Physical%Complete-- I have a strong opinion that this is absolutely the best
way to go. It allows you to claim a level of complete that is independent of
duration. There is a good example in help.
Ordinary %Complete just gives you a %Complete based on a linear progression
of time (duration) of the task. Going back to the equation, this is exactly
why %complete changes when you change duration or work. Changing work or
duration on a fixed unit task will force a change to duration. As duration
changes, the %Complete would change to allow the equation to hold. Example:
You have 1 resource at 100% for 10 days. You claim 40% complete---project
interprets this that you have completed 4 days of work. Changing the
duration to 15 days means you are now 4/15 days complete (27%). Adding 40
hours of work produces the same thing.
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Hello Jan,
Thanks for the clarification!
What's AFAIK? I was told that if I change duration or task hours then
the % Complete changes, that I should use Physical % Complete to avoid the
See embedded
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project MVP
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the prompt response.
Mostly, I want to avoid MSP recalc'ing the % Complete values when I slip
a predecessor. How is that done?
AFAIK, Project does not do that. No problem about avoiding since it does not
Also, what is the difference between % Complete and % Work Complete?
Thank you soooo much! I'm awful new at this and every bit of
is valuable.
% complete= actual diuration (the time during which there has been any work
on the task) divided by task duration
%Work complete= Hours of work performed/Total work planned now.
Jim Bradley
Tools/Options/Calculation (tab), select Manual.
In manual mode, pressing F9 initiates a recalculation.
Resource leveling can also be turned off: Tools/Level Resources...
If you don't want project to tell you the resource is overloaded,
their max units % in the resource sheet.
As an aside, it sounds like you should be using %Work complete instead of
Also, how would you get a %Complete change for a successor task? If you
following the scheduling rules there should be no incomplete work to the
of the status date and no %Complete to the right of the status date. A
successor with %Complete when a predecessor is not 100% complete is also
cause for concern.
Are you following the basic 4 rules? (1) No actual starts to the right of
the status date, (2) No actual finishes to the right of the status date,
No task with 0% complete to the left of the status date, (4) No task with
100% complete with a finish date to the right of the status date.
Although I don't know the specifics of your situation, I assert that you
want Project to change the dates of your successor tasks. That's why you
purchased the program right? If Task A slips 6 days, then all the
to Task A had better slip 6 days otherwise there is a logic error.
project not to slip the successors is putting your head in the sand. At
minimum, you should be adjusting the durations of the successor tasks to
maintiain their same end dates.... this will point out to people down
that they are being asked to suck up the delay. If their tasks will
on those dates, regardless of the status of "Task A", then why do you
them linked as successors?
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Hello All,
Is there any way to turn off Project's autocalc feature? Somewhere
the application logic is a feature that recalc's Resource, Duration,
and %
Complete values if any variable changes, but I want to get around it.
In some cases I have one resource that is over allocated to complete
one week task in 80 hours and that's what I want, I don't want Project
tell me the resource is overallocated. And when I change a date in one
task I
don't want all the successor % Completes to change just because the
Yes, there are many people who appreciate the favor that Project
for you, but I need a work around in order to eliminate proofing a
successor tasks because I change one date on another task.
Thank you.