ProjectSiteCollection for this SSP


Ashish kanoongo


I am not able to login on my PWA site. I reviewed event log and finds following description

"PSI Auth: SiteId 7f6495b0-cea9-4a8f-95c5-6b0fa1734a8a was not found in the ProjectSiteCollection for this SSP"

Can anyone tell how do I resolve this issue?


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You did something wrong installing your system.

By the way, this post belongs in the Project Server news group only. Also, you should make it clear what version you're using, although we can tell by subjects you reference that it must be 2007. You also need to do a much better job explaining your situation if you hope to have a chance of getting a helpful reply. Troubleshooting 2007 installation issues is difficult, at best, through a newsgroup. With that in mind, post all the steps you followed during your installation and describe the environment you installed to.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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I am not able to login on my PWA site. I reviewed event log and finds following description

"PSI Auth: SiteId 7f6495b0-cea9-4a8f-95c5-6b0fa1734a8a was not found in the ProjectSiteCollection for this SSP"

Can anyone tell how do I resolve this issue?


Hollis Paul

Ashish kanoongo said:
I am not able to login on my PWA site. I reviewed event log and
finds following description

"PSI Auth: SiteId
7f6495b0-cea9-4a8f-95c5-6b0fa1734a8a was not found in the
ProjectSiteCollection for this SSP"

Can anyone tell how do I
resolve this issue?
Assuming SPPS03, is the site listed on the Sites page? If not, add it,
and see if you can then login to it.


Looking at the PSI refernce in your message, I'm assuming you're using 2007.
Can you confirm that the web application to host the SSP was in fact created
on your application server?
If it is not there and the SSP administration page is pointing there, I'd be
willing to bet that it may be an issue with the timing of when you Stopped
the "Windows SharePoint Services Web Application" on your Middle tier
(application) server.

Hope this helps you hunt it down,
-Rob Stewart

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