Promoted fields not displaying after publish



I nave a from we are using to gather data on different types of content. I
have made many changes over the life of this form , published, and never had
any problems. recently I promoted one additional field. There are less than
15 total fields that are promoted in the form, but when I added this last one
and published I lost all promoted field data in SharePoint. If I opened the
form and saved it without any changes the promoted fields would display. I
have 1300 items in this library and can not do this each time we publish.
Also another secondary issue is all the views within SharePoint changes. the
selected fields to display for each view disappeared if it was a promoted
field. Each view has to be re configured.

What can cause the loss of the promoted fields upon publish to SharePoint

Anna Wójcik

I am only guessing but maybe you have created another content type (do
you have duplicated fields with same display names now when you try to
make a view?)
The best way to publish form is to publish to content type and then when
you try to add new field you create column in sharepoint, add to the
content type and then promote to this field during publishing. You have
to remember to tick 'allow edit this field in document library' while
you promoting.

kookie pisze:


Thank you for the response. I do have duplicated fields but they are on
different views. I have the form on several different sites. this version is
slightly different than the other sites, but this issue only just began. I
have not made any major changes to cause this. I do not have another content
type. I am in the process or trying to replicate this in another sharepoint
library on another site.

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