Prompt for Save Path - Use Cell Content for File Name


Chris T-M

Summary: User selected Path + File Name from a Cell to generate a 'Save
Path/file name'

I need to prompt the user for a Save To location. I want them to be
presented with a browser box, not a cell where they have to type in a path

I need to take that path and a pre-generated file name and save.

I'm currently generating the file name in a cell by using Concatenate...
Then saving...
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range("BZ21").Value

If I pre-set the path this works fine. I just don't want to pre-set the path.

Per Jessen


Maybe this is what you are looking for:

MyFile = Range("A1").Value
MyPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(initialfilename:=MyFile, _
Title:="Select path")


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