Joe Ritson
Back in the day I used Lotus Notes; one feature Notes had which I
liked a lot was that I could decide whether to save or discard an
email I was sending, thereby keeping my sent items folder nice and
tidy. Outlook saves all of my sent emails, which really annoys me.
Does anyone know of a way I can have Outlook 2000/2003 prompt me to
save an email before sending it? Are there any add-on utilities which
add this feature?
Thanks for the help.
liked a lot was that I could decide whether to save or discard an
email I was sending, thereby keeping my sent items folder nice and
tidy. Outlook saves all of my sent emails, which really annoys me.
Does anyone know of a way I can have Outlook 2000/2003 prompt me to
save an email before sending it? Are there any add-on utilities which
add this feature?
Thanks for the help.