Prompting a user for file name on import



We are using Access 2000. I have three users who create
various text files. All files need to be imported at one
time or another and the names vary. I would like the
users to be prompted to enter the file name of the text
file to be imported. Is this possible? If so, how. I
appreciate it.

Ronald W. Roberts

Nicole said:
We are using Access 2000. I have three users who create
various text files. All files need to be imported at one
time or another and the names vary. I would like the
users to be prompted to enter the file name of the text
file to be imported. Is this possible? If so, how. I
appreciate it.
This will allow you to open th eWindows Open or save dialog box.


Joe Fallon

For older versions of Access try this:

This code is a new feature in Access 2002.
It allows you to browse for a file and then store the selected file in 2
text boxes:
Me![txtLocalDir] , Me![txtLocalFileName]

'1 = DialogOpen, 2= SaveAs, 3=FilePicker, 4 = FolderPicker
'Cannot be used in Access 2000!
With Application.FileDialog(3)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = True Then
Me![lblEdit].Visible = True
Me![txtLocalDir] = Left$(.SelectedItems(1),
InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), "\"))
Me![txtLocalFileName] = Right$(.SelectedItems(1),
Len(.SelectedItems(1)) - InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), "\"))
End If
End With

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