Prompting for Username and Password


Shaun Davis

This is a very frustrating problem which may or may not have been answered
already but here goes. I have a user that can connect to my PWA site 1 day
and the next day the user is no longer able to connect. Their authentication
in IE has been to "Automatically logon using current username and passoword".
The PWA server has been added to their trusted sites and they have
permissions to login. I am running Project Server 2003 in a 2 server
configuration with the second server being the SQL server. I have looked
over everything and all seems well and the user can even go to another
machine and login to PWA with no problem. Their OS is Windows XP with SP2.
Please help me save my sanity :).


Shaun Davis

Earl Lewis


Several questions before anything can be clearly answered.

What is the specific error message?
What authentication is the user account setup for? Windows or project server are the options.
Is the user doing a domain login on the workstation where the problem occurs?
If it is a domain login is user in the same domain as the AD/project server?
If the user is in a different domain (or none at all) did you setup any DNS suffixes in the IP configuration?

This is a very frustrating problem which may or may not have been answered
already but here goes. I have a user that can connect to my PWA site 1 day
and the next day the user is no longer able to connect. Their authentication
in IE has been to "Automatically logon using current username and passoword".
The PWA server has been added to their trusted sites and they have
permissions to login. I am running Project Server 2003 in a 2 server
configuration with the second server being the SQL server. I have looked
over everything and all seems well and the user can even go to another
machine and login to PWA with no problem. Their OS is Windows XP with SP2.
Please help me save my sanity :).


Shaun Davis

Shaun Davis

1. There is no specific error message just that a dialog box pops up
prompting you for username and password when you try accessing PWA. You can
put in the correct domain\username then password and you will continue to get
prompted for a username and password
2. The user and and servers are all in the same AD. I have Windows
Authentication as the method of authentication set for PWA in IIS.



Earl Lewis


If you're seeing a dialog open that asks for the credentials this should eventually fail. When I do that it eventually (after 3 tries) goes to a web page that says "You are not authorized to view this page".

The fact that the dialog keeps coming up seems to indicate the credentials (user name and password combination) are not correct. Could it be that this user has not logged off their machine for sometime and their password has expired on the server? In this case the workstation could still have access to all the normal network resources and project server just happens to be the first application that's telling the user (albeit in a not very friendly way) that their password expired?

Maybe you just need to have the user do a password reset on the AD.

1. There is no specific error message just that a dialog box pops up
prompting you for username and password when you try accessing PWA. You can
put in the correct domain\username then password and you will continue to get
prompted for a username and password
2. The user and and servers are all in the same AD. I have Windows
Authentication as the method of authentication set for PWA in IIS.



Shaun Davis

Unfortunately it's not that simple. The user who is accessing the site can
reboot the computer and not have to change their password and still get
prompted for password when accessing PWA. I have looked all over the web and
found that others are having the same problem but there doesn't seem to be a

Another question I have is let's say I am able to connect to PWA using
Windows Authentication, why would I get prompted for username and password if
I remain idle on PWA for too long?

Thank you Earl, I do appreciate you trying to assist me with this.



Shaun - I assume you have checked the IE settings (Local Intranet >
Custom Level, bottom of the list). If the user clicks on Cancel when
challenged, do they then get in? We had that issue for a while, it
turns out the user had some setting for Netmeeting that, when turned
off, allowed a normal NT authenticated login to PWA.



Does the user have an external toolbar (such as the google toolbar)? Any of
the toolbars can cause problems with IE and PWA. Removing the toolbars is
something to look at.

Also, when I had users with this problem, I removed the server from their
trusted sites, then added it again. In some cases it helped.

Shaun Davis

So far all of the suggestions have been great. It is nice to see these
newsgroup work well but the problem is not with using WSS. It is with using
PWA so when I use a WSS, I will NOT get prompted again now that I have made
the changes pointed out by Juhani but PWA still prompts for username and
password after about 15 minutes of inactivity with using the browser
connected to PWA. Is that normal?


Shaun Davis

I have checked the IE settings and they are setup as recommended. I have
also checked the toolbars and there are none.



Shaun, I have the same thing happen. What bothers me is that you can click
cancel and the right webpage still appears. I noticed that if you give that
user admin rights the prompt goes away, but that is of course a kludge. Did
you find any other solutions?

Shaun Davis

Hi Eric,

At least I know that I am not crazy and not the only person having this
problem. I am still having this issue and looking for a solution but I am
tempted to put a trouble call into Microsoft to see if they can tell me why
this is happening.


Noivca B

I have seen this problem and have 2 possible solutions for it.
First solution:

Within Internet Explorer, ClLick - View:the - Explorer Bar:
See if the discussion bar is enabled, if so disable it and try to access PWA.

For some reason PWA doesn't like the discussion bar.

Second Solution:

Within Internet Explorer, Click - View: then - Encoding:

Try a few of the other encoding options in there.

These are two i have figured out.
Let me know how you go



The problem went away when I removed the user account and re-created it
again. Try it and let me know if it worked for you too

Eric Uyttewaal


We had the same thing happen and yes for us as well deleting the user profile
and creating a new one resolves the problem. however it's a lot of work when
users have blackberry and mail configure. We would love to know what
exactly in the profile gets screwed up so we could have a quicker fix.
Another thing that works and this will seem works. When the
logon box appears try clicking ok as fast as you can...after several quick
clicks it actually seems to authenticate and let you in. If you click once
and retype the password after 3 attempts you typically get locked out and
eventually IE hangs.

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