Does any know why I've received this warning message when tried to
open a project" 1 new update(s) have been accepted for this project.
Applying these updates to the plan will take 7 seconds. Would you like
to apply these updates now?"
I didn't have the project open/checked out while accpting the updates
and I've opened the project 30 minutes after accpeting the updates.
Allowed enough time for save the changes in the database. I'd like
know to under what circumstances I might receive this kind of error
open a project" 1 new update(s) have been accepted for this project.
Applying these updates to the plan will take 7 seconds. Would you like
to apply these updates now?"
I didn't have the project open/checked out while accpting the updates
and I've opened the project 30 minutes after accpeting the updates.
Allowed enough time for save the changes in the database. I'd like
know to under what circumstances I might receive this kind of error