Proper function fix sought




I am using a macro with the proper function, but unfortunately, I have some
cells where the content is like this: “Word-Wordâ€. The proper function as is
turns that into “Word-wordâ€. How could it be made to leave that intact?

Thank you.

Dave Peterson

Depending on what your list of words looks like, maybe:


This assumes that there are no spaces in the original list. If there are
spaces, then those spaces will get turned into hyphens.

Peo Sjoblom

Or don't use a space



Thank you for your replies.
However, I'm not sure I can use that. Below is my macro code. I'm not very
VB literate so I don't know how to implement your ideas.

For Each Cell In Intersect(Selection, _
Selection.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues))
Cell.Formula = StrConv(Cell.Formula, vbProperCase)


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