Proper procedure to move a project server 2003


Wu, Cheng


Currently, I am running Project Server 2003 on A server 2003 SP1 with
sharepoint services and SQL server 2000 on a different server, we just
acquired a new server to replace the project server, now is running server
2003 R2, while the Database server is still the same SQL 2000, what is the
proper procedure to move my Project Server 2003 to the new server?

Wu, Cheng

My project server set up is as follows:

Server 2003 SP1 running SharePoint services V2 SP2 and Project Server 2003
SP2A, the database server is a separate SQL 2000 server.

We acquired a new server to replace the Project server, my Server Admin
installed Server 2003 R2, then I install SharePoint services V2 with SP2
directly, the installed the Project Server 2003. Then applied SP1 and SP2, I
also backup the INETPUB/wwwroot and restored to the new server.

Now when I tried to configure the SharePoint, when I entered SharePoint
Central administration URL: and Create a Site under this SharePoint URL,
when I save changes, it went away for a few seconds then tell me "Project
Server has failed to set site properties on the newly created test site.
What did I do wrong, how should I correct it?

What should be the proper procedure to do this? (just move project server
not database server)?


Hi Wu,

I am wondering if you were able to complete your move. It owuld be nice if
you can share your experience and possibly guide me int he right direction.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

Thank you,

Wu, Cheng

Hi Aziz:
Yes, I did manage to finish it, I followed the disaster recovery guide from
Microsoft, except that I did not receover my SQL server, and when I
installed and configured Sharepoint services I used existing database and
extened the virtual server.

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