Hi Keith
If you want to update the existing records to proper case, first back up
your data, because there is not return after you change it.
Try this update query to update the exisiting records, change the names to
suit yours
UPDATE TableName SET [TableName].[FieldName] =
edward keith said:
I Thank you for That. However, Unless I update each record, It does not
change to properCase. Should I try beforeUpdate or use a query.
Keith, you got 2 answers when you posted this question in m.p.a.formscoding.
I hope the OP has backed up his data, because this will not work!!!
1) =StrConv([FieldName],"vbProperCase") is not correct.
a) vbProperCase is a VBA Number constant. It should not be enclosed
within quotes.
=StrConv([FieldName],vbProperCase) will work in VBA.
b) Because vbProperCase is a VBA constant, not an Access constant,
it cannot be used directly in an Access query. Instead use the
constant's numeric value of 3.
=StrConv([FieldName],3) will work directly in a query.