


Is it possible to print out the form layout; i.e. as shown in design format,
without the information? I have a form in one database working, but the
same one in another database is not working and I cannot see the difference
when I am switching from one to another.

I am wanting to see on paper how I have a file laid out -- showing the
control source and the file, etc.

Thank you, Joy

Allen Browne

You can see all the properties for your form and its controls with:
SaveAsText "MyForm", C:\MyForm.txt"


I tried to Save As -- but this did not work. I went to the forms,
highlighted the form name, clicked save as -- this did not work. I did the
same by opening the form in design view. I get the box asking where I want
to save this, and when I put in as listed below, computer says there is in
error. What am I doing wrong?

I also replied to you instead of to group, Allen, and it was returned
Thank you

Allen Browne

Press Ctrl+G to open the Immediate window.

Type the command there.

(Email address contains a spurious "_SpamTrap" in a (not very successful)
attempt to reduce the amount of spam I receive.)


Allen --

When I type the command, I get the message -- Expected: Line number or label
or statement or end of statement.

Sorry to be such a bother. I have never used visual basic.

Thank you, Joy

Allen Browne

Did you type it in the Immediate window, or in a module?

It needs to be in the Immediate window.


Allen -- I tried again. I was using the immediate window. I still get the
compile error as listed below.

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