property lines on landscape plan?


liquid artisan

I can't seem to get my property lines to work out here. I have a copy of the
plot map, with the dimensions and angles of each prop. line, but I can't
figure out how to get these down in Visio.
I'm using the property line annotation from the list and then trying to
manipulate them via the Size & Position box, but no luck getting them to work
out and completely connect together.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

liquid artisan

as I keep working with it, it' seems to be the angles that I'm having trouble
For example, the plot map I have (on paper) lists one property line as being
N75* 42' 37" and 315.09' long. The length is simple enough to manipulate in
the Size & Position window, but I guess I don't really understand the
position aspect of it because I can't get it to resemble the actual lot.

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