Property Popup gives an error


Lorenz Ingold

In an Access 2003 form, I want to set the popup Property to true. The
purpose behind it is to disable all other forms and also all menus in Access
(together with the Modal Property). I must set the property in VB-Code, in
the Form_Current event procedure, because it depends on the data record
(there are records that need the popup to be true and others not). Everytime
I try to do that, there comes the same error: "Runtime error 2448 You can't
assign a value to this object". In the Microsoft Help I see nothing like a
restriction in the use of this property. It is to say that the modal
Property don't have any such problems, it can be set and works, but it does
not meet all my needs because if I only set the modal property to true, then
only the other forms are disabled, but the menus still are active. Can
somebody help me?


Popup can only be set in design view. Maybe you could try hiding the menubars

Linq Adams via

In the Microsoft Help I see nothing like a restriction in the use of this property.

From Access Help (2003)

"The PopUp property can be set only in form Design view."

In other words, you can't do it in a form that is already open and running.

Maybe a little more explanation of why you need to do this for some records,
but not others, would allow someone here to offer you an alternative.

Lorenz Ingold

I looked once more into the Microsoft Help, and now I am more confused than
ever. There are to sentences just one after the other (my help is in German,
I translate afterwards):
"Sie können diese Eigenschaft im Eigenschaftenfenster, in einem Makro oder
in Visual Basic festlegen.
Die Eigenschaft PopUp kann nur in der Formularentwurfsansicht festgelegt
"You can set this property in the property window, in a macro or in Visual
The PopUp property can be set only in the form design view."
Could this mean that during runtime, I must open the form in design view
(DoCmd.OpenForm "myForm", acDesign) to be able to set the property with
Visual Basic? If yes, then this is not a solution for me.
We have some sort of fine tuned security on a per record basis. A user has a
special reduced Read-only right on some customer records where he is not
allowed to edit the data and is not allowed to see any dependent (1:n) data
like orders. Many of such dependent data is reachable via menus, so I
thought, the simplest way is to freeze all menus. Certainly there are other
possibilities like freezing (disabling) each single menu entry, but this
would give much more work in our case. Maybe we will implement a third
alternative: all menus remain as they are (some are enabled, some disabled
anyway) and give a message and jump out of the function if the user has no
rights to see the data.

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