Property Promotion



I am pretty new to InfoPath and am learing as I go along. I have designed a
form that staff fill in via web services. I plan to extract the various data
fileds to excel to analyse and report on the data. It has been mentioned to
me that unless I promote every entery filed in the form I will not be able to
extract it to excel. Is this true? If so I may still have time to do so as I
know any forms filled in will have to be re-submitted.

Shiva (GGK Tech)


Export to excel you will complete data available in xml. Promoted properties
data is different those data we can see in SharePoint directly after
submitting the form. By adding promoted properties you can see those data
directly in SharePoint for all form without exporting the xml data.

Anuma(GGK Tech)


You have a option to "Export to Excel" in the sharepoint also. But in that
excel you can export only the fields which are promoting in the sharepoint.

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