Hi Ken,
pls, read inline:
A code module is a place that stores code that is accessible to the entire
program. For a C-like language I suppose it could be a header file or any
place else you can declare various constants and reference the Help library
Ok, I've got the idea. I know where to place this. And I know how to get
reference to that function in the .ocx file. The only confusion is, that
I can not see where from you call this HtmlHelp function in your code.
App is the application (COM addin) in VB code. That has a property called
HelpFile. I have no idea what C# provides for that. I call the
initialization code when my addin starts up, in the InitHandler class that
is called from the On_Connection event handler.
I can not see COMAddIn class to have HelpFile property. I do not see it
for the Application object as well. Some more help to find it?
That is how it's done in COM programming. Using the Interop I have no idea
what equivalent functions are provided. See if there's any information about
this for .NET languages at
I can not find anything related there. But with interop theoretically
there should be a way to repeat anything from the COM world. So if I
know exactly how it is done in VB, maybe I can repeat it in C#.
Please, if you have a very sample addin, which just creates a very
simple property page with a help, please, send me the VB code, so I can
take a look. If you do not want to post in the group, use:
sunnyXicebergwirelessOcom. Replace X with @ and O with "."
Thanks again