Hi Nsnews.microsoft.com,
In Word 2003, there is a "Propigate" labels button. If I create a label,
then change/add a merge field after the main document shows a page of
labels, I can press the button to change all the labels on the page.
How do I do this in Word 2000?
The hard way
This feature was introduced in Word 2002. Prior to that
version you have to copy the first label and paste into all the other
labels. Carefully NOT pasting over (= deleting) the NEXT field at the
beginning of those other labels.
Or, change the second label and copy/paste to the following ones. Then make
sure to NOT include the NEXT field at the beginning of the second label,
and copy/paste back to the first one.
This is the ONE thing I unreservedly like about the changed mail merge
interface in Word 2002
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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