Proposed Resources


Michael Gonzalez

I have noticed that when I use Build Team From Enterprise , and I
assign a Proposed Resource, that the Task does not show up in PWA
after published (correctly). However, the resource gets an email
notifying him/her that has has been allocated to a tas. To make
things worse, the email does not state that this is a proposed

Now, I now their is a Notify All Resources via Email check box under
Publish that I can un-check. However, this seems odd that Project
Server was actually written to send an email out but not assign a task
for Proposed Resources.

This would also make it difficult to publish a project with Committed
and Proposed resources (I only want the Committed to get the email).

Can anyone comment on this, or am I doing something wrong?


Resources that are "proposed" do not end up being
published. The resource has to be "committed" before they
show up in PWA Tasks.


Michael Gonzalez


That is what my assumption was. However, if I allocate a Proposed
Resource to a project and publish the project, that resource is
receiving an email. I am surprised at the result.

Michael Gonzalez

In fact, while the tasks do not show up in PWA for proposed resources,
they WILL get imported into Outlook!

For those of you using Project Server in a production environment, how
do you get around this? Do you use proposed resources?

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


Don't take a publish action on proposed bookings and you won't get the email
generated. Instead of publishing everything try filtering a view to show
only tasks with committed bookings and use the publish selected tasks rather
than all tasks selection.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the book on Project Server


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