pros and cons of shared databases


David Kennedy


Can anyone explain the difference between splitting a database over a shared
network (client end /Back end)
and just placing a database on a shared network and linking in by "File->Get
External Data->Link Tables" ?

Thanks in advance

Allen Browne

The point of splitting and giving every client workstation its own copy of
the front end is that they are independent of each other.

If everyone opens the same front end, just try switching a form to design
view and saving your changes while someone else is entering data in the
form. Are the instances independent? Try it again using your own separate
copy of the front end. Do you see the difference?

Similarly, some reports use temporary tables in the front end as the source
for reports. If everyone is in the same front end, and running these reports
with different criteria, you are all overwriting each other's data and the
results will be garbage. Each user needs independent temp tables, i.e.
independent front ends.

With multiple users in the same front end, Access does actually instantiate
different instances of forms, so different users can have different records
current, different filters, and so on. Unfortunately, this does not work
perfectly, so it's not uncommon to end up with concurrency issues, and even
corrupted forms if you run the database this way.

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