Protect a table


Dazed and Confused

Can you protect a table in an otherwise unprotected
document to allow only an authorized user (authorization
by say, password) to edit or enter data in the table?





You can put your table between section breaks and protect
that section with a password.

Make sure only the table and text you don't want altered
is between these section breaks. Then, at the beginning of
the area you want protected use...

Insert | Break | Continuous: or next page if you want a
page break there, otherwise Continuous if you want on the
same page.

After you've inserted a break both before and after the
table, click....

Tools | Protect Document | Sections: and mark the section
you want protected. Include a password if you wish.



Wow, I've been wondering about this too. Thanks! Too bad
nothing is obvious when you try to do more than type...

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Dazed,
Can you protect a table in an otherwise unprotected
document to allow only an authorized user (authorization
by say, password) to edit or enter data in the table?
For this very exact specification - only certain users can
access the table - you may want to look into Word 2003.
This is the only version of Word where you can protect
specific ranges of text for specific users.

Using the forms protection method, you not only lose some
functionality, but the protection is easily circumvented by
using Insert/File.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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