Protect cells



I created a form in word using table cells. The form will be filled out
using word.
The problem I'm having is when someone hits enter the cell grows bigger, or
if you backspace to the beginning of the cell the cell size shrinks. How do
I protect the fields from expanding and collapsing. I want a fixed cell that
will only accept a certain number of characters.

Stefan Blom

Set a fixed height for the table rows (on the Row tab of Table | Table
Properties). This won't prevent users from entering "too much" text in
the cell, but it will preserve your layout and prevent the excess text
from displaying and printing.

If you want to set a character limit, you would have to insert text
form fields, set the desired options, and then protect the document.
See This
may be overkill, though, unless you need to perform tasks, such as
calculations, with the data entered in the form. And it won't prevent
users from pressing Enter to add paragraph marks, which means that you
still need to set a fixed height for table rows, unless you make use
of macros.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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