Hi Ken,
Thank you for your time, I just wanted to clarify this again, that "any
value can be copied & pasted in a cell with whatever Data validation
conditions it might have". If this is true then don't you think this is a big
bug in excel? Given the fact there is no way around this issue as no amount
of password protecting can rectify this problem.
Thanks again for your help.
Best regards
Guneet S Ahuja
Hi Guneet,
Being able to overwrite data validation by simply copy/paste is
annoying. However, the VBA code I showed does solve the problem,
provided the user doesn't forget to enable macros when opening the
The problem of either forgetful users or even users deliberately
disabling macros is solved with further VBA code.
When the workbook is closed the VBA code adds a worksheet with a
message like "You must enable macros to use this workbook. Close then
enable macros when you reopen this workbook.".
Also, the code hides all the sheets except for the new sheet with the
message. When using VBA to hide a worksheet its Visible property can
be set to either xlSheetHidden or xlSheetVeryHidden. If xlSheetHidden
is used the user can make the sheet visible again by going Format|
Sheet|UnHide, no good here. If xlSheetVeryHidden is used the user can
only get to the sheet by changing its Visible property back to
xlSheetVisible in the sheets Properties window in the VBA Editor,
used here.
This is all done automatically when the workbook is closed, so that
when it is next opened, if the user does not enable macros then all
they see is a sheet with the message reminding them that they should
have enabled macros and must close, reopen and enable macros.
When the workbook is opened and macros are enabled then VBA code runs
to remove the message sheet, that was made the last time the workbook
was closed and return the other worksheets back to there normal
visible state.
If you would like to examine an example of a workbook that is set up
to work as described above then email me (account name =
kencjohnson account type = gmail.com) and I can send you a copy.
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson