Protect Document Dialog Box Moved Out of Position



When clicking Tools-Protect Document in Word 2003, the dialog box
conveniently appeared down the right side of the screen, which permitted
continued editing of the document even while the dialog is open.

Then, it spontaneously moved to the bottom 2/3 of the screen which disables
the ability to simultaneously edit, and is a less convenient position.

By grabing the 4 vertical dots at the upper left of the dialog, and dragging
almost off the right side of the screen, I can get the dialog to the former
position I want.

However, this does not "stick". When I open a new document, or re-open a
saved document, the dialog goes back to the lower 2/3 of the screen.

I even tried opening the Normal Template, repositioning the dialog on the
Template and saving the Template, and that does not help.

By the way, I did the Template thing a while ago, and I don't remember how
to do it, so if your suggestion has to do with the Template, please be so
kind as to give instructions as how to find and edit and save the Template.

This bad positioning also applies to other features besides Protect Document
which have the same type of dialog box.

This is especially annoying since I did not ask for this position, nor did I
do anything to create it.

Your suggestions as to how to make the right side position permanent will be
appreciated. Thanks.

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